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"Everything starts with prayer"

"Everything starts with prayer"

A little more than a year ago, Mother Theresa’s words “everything starts with prayer” resonated deeply as we took a giant step toward the life for which God had been preparing us. Be Still Prayer Space was launched... and so it began! It’s been a whirlwind of creativity, late nights, meetings, painting, discussing, shipping, accounting, cutting, cornering, posting, listing, emailing,... and, oh ya, parenting a family of six!

We’ve done so much in such a little time, yet we feel like we haven’t even scratched the surface of projects the Holy Spirit has nudged us to do. There are so many more Devotional Spaces to create, new products to test, Eucharistic Congresses to attend, gift shops to contact, ministries to help, enlightening blogs to begin... ah, it appears we can check that one off the list ;)

Seriously though, Caleb and I spend most of our days together discussing all kinds of topics that usually end with, “this would be a great blog post.” So when I overheard my mom talking about my art, and then adding, “but, really, she’s always been a writer,” I realized that I hadn’t written in years... and suddenly I really felt the need to - so, a blog it was. By the way, the featured photo is my sweet mom and Eli helping - Mom has strung most of our rosary bracelets since we began :)

We hope that by giving yall a glimpse into our world, you will be prayerfully inspired, encouraged, and more educated on the beauty of our Catholic Church! And in the same breath, we encourage yall to reach out to us with a prayer request, question, or to enlighten us on how the Holy Spirit is inspiring you!

Thank you and remember, be still and pray!

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Our Lady of La Leche

Calming Stroll at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine Florida