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The Feast of Our Lady of La Leche - Oct. 11

The Feast of Our Lady of La Leche - Oct. 11

Eight years ago, I was heading to mass with the first graders in my class when Father David caught up to me. He softly told me he had said a mass for me at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche. Tears flooded my eyes. I hugged him in gratitude. He must have known how much I needed Our Lady’s help and grace and wisdom. You see, I had just started working as a teacher’s aid at my 11 and 13 year old kids’ school, when all of a sudden, completely unexpectedly, I got pregnant. I was 43 and my world was turning upside down - as was everything in my stomach. 

Ever since Father David graced me with something so special and personal, I have felt a connection like no other with Our Lady. My friend had gone to Her in that little shrine to ask the King of the World to cover me and my baby and my family with special blessings and protections. He consecrated the bread and wine in that little shrine where she holds and nurses the sweet Baby Jesus, the Christ Child, our Redeemer, our King and Savior of the World! 

Then, a year and a half after Elijah John came into our lives, God graced us with yet ANOTHER child, Emmelia Grace, who REALLY turned our worlds upside...and sideways... and inside out! I needed my Mother more than ever during those years. I have always been so very grateful that Father David invited the Blessed Mother into our lives at that pivotal time. I needed to see her just holding her baby in the stillness of a little room, giving Him what she was able to give Him. I needed to imitate her motherly nature. I needed a constant reminder of this!

THAT was the beginning of Be Still Prayer Space - although it was still a few long years away from launching...

So on the Feast Day of Our Lady of La Leche, I ask for her intercession for my children - Luciana and Leo in college and Eli and Emme in elementary school. And I thank her for being such a beautiful role model for my family.

Please share your story of Our Lady of La Leche with us. Has she interceded for you and your family? If you’ve never had a chance to visit her, watch our peaceful walk through the Shrine and grounds of the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine, Florida. Hopefully it will bring you peace and a little fun as you try to spot the peacocks! 

Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us, who have recourse to you!

And remember, just be still and pray!

If you want to see the prayer space we created click here: Our Lady of La Leche Prayer Space

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Our Lady of La Leche

Calming Stroll at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine Florida