Graceful Statues
Our first statues are of Our Blessed Mother standing prayerful as a gentle reminder of her love and intercession. Our Statues are made by us, one by one, from a biodegradable polymer which makes them lightweight and great for Catholics young and old looking to brighten their prayer space. More to come!

Mary Praying Rosary holder
From $15.00

Mary Praying Statue
From $10.00

Mary Rosary holder - small

Mary Immaculate Rosary holder
From $15.00

Madonna and Child Rosary holder
From $15.00

Madonna and Child Statue
From $10.00

Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary holder
From $16.00

Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue
From $10.00

St. Michael Rosary holder
From $26.00

First Communion Keepsake Box Nightlight
From $25.00

First Communion St. Michael Keepsake Box

Jesus Rosary holder
From $15.00

Praying Mary Rosary holder - small gold

Mary Immaculate Rosary holder - small gold

Angel Praying Rosary holder
From $15.00

St. Michael in Action Rosary holder

Holy Water Rosary Tray

Scalloped St. Benedict Rosary Tray

St. Benedict & Shield Rosary Tray - Bronze

Confirmation Keepsake Box
From $25.00

Confirmation St. Michael Keepsake Box

Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary holder - small gold